SCCM/SMS & PowerShell: Introduction (3/3)

juin 8, 2011
Pour cette dernière partie, je vais vous montrer un autre exemple d’utilisation de powershell avec Sccm.
Nous allons voir comment customiser certaines options d’un advertisement.

A. Déscription des besoins

Voici les options que nous allons configurer en script Powershell:


Grâce au SDK Sccm, nous pouvons retrouver ces options au niveau de la classe SMS_Advertisement

Cette classe possède la propriété RemoteClientFlags qui est celle qui nous intéresse.

Voici sa décription (extrait provenant de MSDN):

Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [bits, ResID(822), ResDLL(« SMS_RSTT.dll »)]

Flags specifying how the program should run when the client is connected either locally or remotely to a distribution point. Possible values are listed below. The default value is 48.

Hex (Bit) Description
0x00000001 (0) BATTERY_POWER. Run the program by using battery power. This value is currently unused.
0x00000002 (1) RUN_FROM_CD. Run the program from CD. This value is currently unused.
0x00000004 (2) DOWNLOAD_FROM_CD. Download the program from CD. This value is currently unused.
0x00000008 (3) RUN_FROM_LOCAL_DISPPOINT. Run the program from the local distribution point.
0x00000010 (4) DOWNLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_DISPPOINT. Download the program from the local distribution point.
0x00000020 (5) DONT_RUN_NO_LOCAL_DISPPOINT. Do not run the program if there is no local distribution point.
0x00000040 (6) DOWNLOAD_FROM_REMOTE_DISPPOINT. Download the program from the remote distribution point.
0x00000080 (7) RUN_FROM_REMOTE_DISPPOINT. Run the program from the remote distribution point.
0x00000100 (8) DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND_FROM_LOCAL_DP. Download the program on demand from the local distribution point. This is only applicable for task sequences.
0x00000200 (9) DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND_FROM_REMOTE_DP. Download the program on demand from the remote distribution point. This is only applicable for task sequences.
0x00000400 (10) BALLOON_REMINDERS_REQUIRED. Balloon reminders are required.
0x00000800 (11) RERUN_ALWAYS. Always rerun the program.
0x00001000 (12) RERUN_NEVER. Never rerun the program.
0x00002000 (13) RERUN_IF_FAILED. Rerun the program if execution previously failed.
0x00004000 (14) RERUN_IF_SUCCEEDED. Rerun the program if execution previously succeeded.

Avant même de pouvoir faire quoique ce soit en powershell, il va nous falloir calculer la bonne valeur à donner à notre propriété.

Voici ce dont nous avons besoins:

  • Program rerun behavior: Always Rerun Program
  • When a client is connected within a fast network boundary: Run program from distribution point
  • When a client is connected within a slow or unreliable network boundary: Do not run program
  • En suivant les valeur binaires présentes dans le tableau, cela nous donne:

    0x00000800 + 0x00000020 + 0x00000008 = 0x00000828

    Il ne nous reste plus qu’à convertir cette valeur binaire en valeur décimale: 2088 (merci à la calculatrice scientifique Smile )

    Il est temps de passer au script.

    B. En Powershell, cela donne ceci

    Nous allons créer une query nous permettant de ressortir la liste des advertisements qui nous intéresse. Dans cet exemple, je désire avoir tout ceux dont le nom commence par A_

    Get-WmiObject -ComputerName MyServer –Namespace “root\SMS\Site_00A” -Query "Select * from SMS_Advertisement where AdvertisementName like 'A[_]%'"

    Voici la fonction qui va nous permettre de modifier les valeurs de chaque advertisement:

    foreach ($oAdv in $listAdv){
    write-host $oAdv.AdvertisementName
    write-host "Old RCF value" $oAdv.RemoteClientFlags
    $oAdv.RemoteClientFlags = $rcf
    }catch {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "CRITICAL ERROR: " $Error[0]
    write-host -ForegroundColor Green "New RCF value" $oAdv.RemoteClientFlags

    C. Exemple complet

    #NAME: PS-AdvRCF
    #VERSION: 1.0
    #AUTHOR: Malfroidt Olivier
    #DATE: 07/06/2011

    param ([string]$sccmSrv, [string]$siteCode, [int]$rcf, [string]$whatIf, [string]$file)

    Function HelpMsg()

    Name: PS-AdvRCF - v1.0 Release

    PS-AdvRCF -sccmSrv [server name] -siteCode [SCCM site code] -rcf [remoteClientFlags value] [-whatIf [y/n] -file [File Path]]

    -sccmSrv [ServerName]: SCCM Server name.
    -siteCode [SMS Site code]: SCCM Site code.
    -rcf [remoteClientFlags value]: SCCM RemoteClientFlags value.
    -whatIf: If you want to test first your modification.
    -file [File Path]: File path to store the whatIf switch result.
    PS-AdvRCF -sccmSrv MyServer -siteCode 00A -rcf 2088
    PS-AdvRCF -sccmSrv MyServer -siteCode 00A -rcf 2088 -whatIf y -file c:\Temp\export.txt

    $nameSpace = "root\SMS\Site_" + $siteCode
    $wmiQuery = "Select * from SMS_Advertisement where AdvertisementName like 'A[_]%'"
    $cpt = 0

    if (($sccmSrv -ne "") -and ($siteCode -ne "") -and ($rcf -ne "")) {
    If (($whatIf -eq "y") -and ($file -ne "")){
    Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $sccmSrv -Namespace $nameSpace -Query $wmiQuery | Select-Object AdvertisementID, AdvertisementName, RemoteClientFlags | Out-File -FilePath $file
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "CRITICAL ERROR: " $Error[0]
    $listAdv = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $sccmSrv  -Namespace $nameSpace -Query $wmiQuery
    foreach ($oAdv in $listAdv){
    write-host $oAdv.AdvertisementName
    write-host "Old RCF value" $oAdv.RemoteClientFlags
    $oAdv.RemoteClientFlags = $rcf
    }catch {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "CRITICAL ERROR: " $Error[0]
    write-host -ForegroundColor Green "New RCF value" $oAdv.RemoteClientFlags
    write-host -foregroundColor Blue "$cpt advertisement(s) modified successfully."
    } catch {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "CRITICAL ERROR: " $Error[0]


    A la suite de ces 3 articles, j’espère vous avoir un peu éclairé sur l’utilisation de SCCM et Powershell.

    Enjoy !!

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